Customer Behavior Policy

All persons have free and equal access to the Clarence Public Library, its facilities and services during its regular business hours.  The Clarence Public Library's Customer Behavior Policy has a threefold purpose: to protect the rights and safety of library customers and volunteers, to protect the rights and safety of staff members, and to preserve the library’s materials, facilities, property, and grounds.


We expect ALL of our customers to:

Act legally and ethically by demonstrating respect to library staff and fellow users.

Use library cards appropriately.   An individual may only use his/her own library card to access library computers or to check out or download materials.

Use all collections, equipment, facilities and furniture on the premises for their intended purposes.

Limit noise including loud conversations and use of audible devices.  Cell phone ringers should be set to silent or vibrate.

Provide proper supervision of children. A parent or caregiver is responsible for the safety, behavior and well-being of their children on Library property.   See Child Safety Policy below.

Dress appropriately including always wearing shirts and shoes. 

Maintain proper personal hygiene so as not to offend others with strong, pervasive odors including body odor and odors caused by perfume, cologne or alcohol.

Share library equipment and furniture so that no one person monopolizes library property or prevents others from using them.

Cooperate with staff and allow belongings to be searched in order to prevent unauthorized removal of library materials and equipment.

Library customers may not: 

Interfere with another person’s enjoyment of library service and facilities.

Bring animals into the library except for service animals necessary for those with disabilities.  Service animals are defined as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual or other mental disability” (28 CFR 35.104) and also as any animal which is under control and specially trained to assist a person with a disability (Iowa Code Section 216C.11).  

Consume food or beverages except for those non-alcoholic beverages in lidded containers.

Sleep on library premises or exhibit the appearance of sleep.

Use bathrooms for unreasonable or unintended purposes including bathing and laundering.

Deposit litter anywhere other than in garbage receptacles provided.  

Engage in sexual activity of any kind or cause sexual harassment or indecent exposure.

Smoke or use tobacco products on Library premises and within 25 (twenty-five) feet of the Library entrances.

Consume, possess, or be under the influence of illicit or intoxicating substances on library property.

Harass, intimidate, or discriminate against any member of the library staff or any customer, including cursing, campaigning, unwanted recruiting of any type, or sexual or physical threats.  

View sexually explicit images on the Internet or violate the Library’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy.

Leave packages, backpacks, luggage, or any other personal items unattended.  Personal property must be within sight of the owner.

Conduct media or commercial photography or filming, without prior permission from Library staff.

Use skateboards or roller blades on Library property.

Bring luggage, bedrolls, or large bags into the library. 


Inappropriate behavior as outlined above or the commission of any crime on library property will have consequences.  Customers may be asked to leave the library premises immediately. In addition, a customer may be barred from library premises temporarily or permanently depending on the severity of the offense.  To enforce these policies, library staff are authorized to call for police assistance or to take any other measures reasonably appropriate and necessary.



Clarence Public Library Child Safety Policy

In order to provide for the general welfare of all persons using the library, and to provide for the general safety of children using the Clarence Public Library, the following rules and regulations shall be made a matter of policy at the Clarence Public Library:


1. All children under 8 years of age shall, at all times, be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible person, e.g. an adult or a mature adolescent at least 11-12 years old. A reasonable attempt will be made to locate the responsible party in the event a child is left unattended. If no responsible party is found, it may be necessary to notify the police. If a child is accompanied by an adolescent over the age of 11, that person is then responsible for the safety, behavior and well-being of the children in their care while on Library property. If either the adolescent or the child cannot behave in accordance to the Clarence Public Library behavior policy, they will be asked to leave along with the child.

2. Children 8 years (in at least 2nd grade) and older may use the library unattended, subject to rules and regulations of the Clarence Public Library concerning behavior, conduct and demeanor. For their safety, all children should know their parents’/guardians’ telephone number. Parents/guardians are encouraged to keep Library card account information up-to-date so they can be contacted in an emergency. If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, Library staff will notify law enforcement or child protective services as appropriate.

3. Children should be at least 8 years old (or in at least the 2nd grade) to use the computers without adult supervision. The public library, unlike schools, does not serve in loco parentis (in place of parent). Librarians cannot act in the place of parents in providing constant care and supervision of children as they explore the Internet. Clarence Public Library supports the right for each family to decide what appropriate Internet use is for their children. The responsibility for what minors read or view on the Internet rests with parents or guardians.

4. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children's actions while the children are on library property. Staff members should inform the accompanying adult of problem behavior should the adult fail to notice or volunteer correction.

5. The Clarence Public Library assumes no responsibility for children left unattended on library premises.

6. The library will call the Police if a child under the age of 18 is left at the library without transportation after library closing hours.


Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of library staff and the Director of the Clarence Public Library.